


Preclinical imaging is a transformative platform that provides the only true in vivo translational approach to the clinic when it comes to monitoring profiles of disease manifestation as well as the impact of therapeutic intervention.  By using the same technology and biomarkers of disease, both preclinically and clinically, can help accelerate decision making and build confidence in efficacy of treatment.  Preclinical imaging has many advantages over conventional ex vivo tissue-based assessments where not only anatomical evaluations can be performed but also functional, metabolic, cellular and molecular readouts can be evaluated, often within the same animal.  In addition, by imaging the animal longitudinally, more precise quantitative measures can be evaluated over time, providing profiles of disease, efficacy and toxicity effects within the same animal.  This approach significantly reduces the total number of animals required for any one study helping to meet the best practices in animal research by adhering to the 3Rs principle (reduce, refine and replace).

万博在线客服布鲁克提供最广范围前科成像系统,包括多式系统,如最新技术BioSpecMRI系统高田强和敏感市场可与或非并发PET并发或内排放射性离散测量加工业领先Skyscan微信组合si78PET/CTAlbirasiPET/SPECT/CT三位模式系统 。 所有这些系统都可发挥关键作用评估目标验证、目标交互/引导优化、生物分布/受体绑定分子、药效体和毒理学 。它们的实用性遍历所有疾病领域,但在评估慢性病时尤其重要,在这些方面疾病多面可能表现到下一个阶段并因此成为评估自然疾病历史中具体目标的关键工具




